Hey! My name is

Sayz Lim

What I Do

I manage Carbon, an invitation-only ad network that helps developers and creators to make money through advertising.

I’ve been writing about macOS since 2010, exploring different types of tools to complete tasks more efficiently. Out of so many different tools I’ve used, Keyboard Maestro and Alfred are two tools I keep using until today. They are similar, however, each stands out differently.

  • Keyboard Maestro is a great tool to automate tasks that require interacting with screen elements and connected devices. It’s also a beginner-friendly tool for anyone who wants to learn automating tasks without writing any scripts.
  • Alfred is a powerful tool that allows you to interact with the macOS file system. There are many workflows available to make working with macOS more seamless.

If you’re new to this site, I recommend that you start by reading some of the posts about Keyboard Maestro.
